Demand for theory of physical education online course in technical university


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2019

D.S. Savelyev1
PhD E.S. Zherlygina1
Ya.A. Kuvanov1
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg

The educational system, like information society in general, is currently undergoing significant qualitative changes due to the development of various interactive technologies and their increasing influence on all spheres of human activity. Distance education technologies are increasingly popular nowadays for a variety of needs – for instance, when the university students need to clear their attendance arrears (accumulated for whatever reasons) in some disciplines including the physical education one. It may be beneficial for the academic education system to offer supplementary online theoretical education courses with an interim test system designed as follows. When a student fails to attend and wants to avoid an absence note and bridge the knowledge gap, he/she may opt for an online training session and pass the relevant online test, with the test results automatically reported to the teacher by the system and, in case of success, the student will be cleared for the session examination. When a student accumulates high arrears and fails to bridge the gaps by the online sessions, he/ she will be offered a distance physical education course, followed by the theoretical physical education knowledge tests. We run a questionnaire survey of the 1-2-year Saint Petersburg Mining University student sample representing every university department to explore the potential demand for such a theoretical physical education online course.

Keywords: education system, online course, internet technologies, education service market.


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