Cardiovascular system and blood circulation control mechanisms functionality tests in female students


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №2 2019

Associate Professor, PhD O.L. Petrozak1
Associate Professor, PhD I.R. Stovba1
Associate Professor, PhD N.V. Stolyarova1
Associate Professor, PhD E.Y. Savinykh1
1South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk

The present study analyses the cardiovascular system and blood circulation control mechanisms in female aerobics groups supported by psychological service; and offers a psychological self-regulation model to improve the functions. Subject to the study run prior to the first semester (October 2017) at the Physical Education and Health Sub-department of South Ural State University were the Experimental Group (EG) composed of the beginner female students (n=23) trained in aerobics groups with special psychological support; and Reference Group (n=20) trained in classical aerobics groups. The pre-experimental cardiovascular system and blood circulation control mechanisms functionality tests found high stress indices, vegetative Kerdo indices, sympathicotonic primary vegetative tonus and excessive autonomic regulation in 30% of the sample. The primary functionality test data were used to develop the corrective psychophysical self-regulation model and test in benefits in an annual training cycle.

Keywords: adaptation, central and peripheral hemodynamics, heart rate variability, psychological support, self-regulation.


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