Antidoping or innovative rehabilitation technologies applicable after high-intensity physical trainings


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №2 2019

Postgraduate O.A. Tolmachev1
Postgraduate V.O. Tolmachev1
Dr.Sc.Tech., Professor S.L. Tikhonov1
Dr.Sc.Tech., Associate Professor N.V. Tikhonova1
1Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg

Objective of the study was to rate benefits of a new mineral drink with biologically active additive Eramin on the athletic adaptability. The study found that 200 ml of the mineral drink per day taken for 21 days help restore the working capacity. The Experimental Group (EG) that administered the new drink was tested with testosterone being 12.7% higher; cortisone 11.5% lower; and the AST and ALT ferment activity 21.4% and 21.3% (respectively) lower than in the Reference Group (RG). De Ritis Ratio indicative of possible muscular injuries was estimated at 1.34 and 1.33 in the RG and EG, respectively, versus the norm of 1.33. Blood antioxidant activity was tested to meaningfully grow in the EG by 21.1%; and catalase ferment and ceruloplasmin albumen were tested to grow by 17.5% and 15.2% in the EG. The study data and the prior experience of Eracond preparation tests give us the grounds to recommend the new mineral drink with biologically active additive Eramin for application in sports for the athletic adaptability improvement purposes.

Keywords: physical working capacity, functional-purpose mineral drink, biologically active additive Eramin, adaptation.


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