Active ethnic games as regional cultural heritage promotion tool


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №2 2019

Dr.Sc.Cult., Associate Professor A.Yu. Tikhonova1
Dr.Sc.Cult., Associate Professor D.V. Makarov1
Dr.Sc.Philos., Associate Professor A.P. Maltseva1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogikal University, Ulyanovsk

The study analyzes benefits of the active ethnic games for the modern regional culture sensitive educational process. Subject to the educational study were the school/ preschool teachers invited in the advanced education course at I.N. Ulyanov State Pedagogical University in the period of 2016-18. The study overviews the available local chronicles with descriptions of the active ethnic games in the Ulyanovsk (imperial Simbirsk) region and classifies the local active ethnic games. A special priority in the study was given to a questionnaire survey of the sample to analyze contributions of the active ethnic games in the regional school/ preschool educational processes. It was found that the sample needs a broader competence in and commitment for the historical active ethnic games of the local nations, minorities and migrant groups to help the teachers overcome a variety of problems in the attempts to productively customize the active ethnic games and implement them in the education programs.
The study highlighted a few bottlenecks and barriers for the projects to implement active ethnic games in school/ preschool education programs; and offered some ways to cope with the problems and empower activists of the local education establishments striving to protect and promote the local cultural heritage and lure the local communities in the rebranded active ethnic games.

Keywords: active ethnic games, physical education, educational process, teachers, educators, cultural heritage of region.


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