Educatory resource of competitive environment at Olympic reserve school


Dr.Hab., Professor I.V. Manzheley1
PhD E.T. Kolunin1
Postgraduate G.A. Kutsenko1
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen

The study analyzes the educatory resource of competitive environment at Olympic Reserve School with a special emphasis on the priority goals and challenges of the children’s coaching service; key requirements to the professional qualities of the children’s coaches; and the junior athlete’s personality qualities valuable for the coaches, families and teammates. The study explores the education process management within the coach-athlete-family cooperation system with due attention to the individual motivations and challenges experienced by the underage athletes; and offers special initiatives to improve the training process and school educational service quality. It was found that a sport school viewed as the dynamic, open and needs-sensitive educatory environment for efficient cooperation of the school administration, coaches, underage athletes and their families – shall design its education policies so as to highlight the key problems, progress opportunities and grow points to facilitate the constructive reforms, resource mobilization and progress in the educational process.

Keywords: educatory resource, sport school, competitive environment, coach-athlete-family interactions, key personality qualities, motivations, service quality.


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