Corporate operations and progress risk assessment method for physical education and sport institution


Associate Professor, PhD I.M. Dovgalyuk1
Associate Professor, Dr.Biol. V.V. Ehrlikh1
O.Y. Berseneva1
Postgraduate A.S. Belenkov1
1South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk

The study overviews and analyzes benefits of a new corporate operations and progress risk assessment method in application to a physical education and sport institution. The method is based on a classified operational situations and correlations with their potential impacts on the corporate operations. The study analyzes the key provisions for successful operations of a physical education and sports institution versus the key operational goals, with a special emphasis on the corporate progress rating factors for every corporate lifecycle. The new corporate operations and progress risk assessment method was tested in practice on the operational data of the SUSU Sport Center Administration. The corporate operations and progress risk assessment method takes into account the sector-specific and individual physical education and sports corporate operations rating factors to design the best-case operational scenario customizable to the corporate lifecycle and integrated risk values to secure the method being duly individualized for every physical education and sports institution.

Keywords: risk, risk assessment, operations and progress scenario, inversion, progress rate, financial viability.


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