Modern sport specialist education service integration in the EU


PhD, Professor T.V. Mikhaylova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Pavlov1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Guba1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

The study analyzes the present situation with the modern physical education and sport (PES) specialist education service in the EU; outlines the key differences of the education services provided by the state universities and private academies; and the valid education classes of PES specialists in the EU. Comparative analysis of the EU versus Russian academic physical education systems and curricula shows that they are virtually identical up to the master training level. The only major difference is the qualification procedures for the PhD and Dr. Hab. degrees, with the Russian universities having legal authority for such qualifications. Academic research councils’ qualification decisions for the Dr. Hab degrees (valid in EU) are made based on the renowned PES expert opinions; and this system may be considered efficient and sound nowadays when the specialist training quality on the whole and the PhD and Dr. Hab. qualification requirements in particular are reported to fall year to year.

Keywords: EU, higher sport education, sport specialists, high quality sport specialist training.


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