Skilled boxer’s bout programSkilled boxer’s bout programming


Dr.Hab., Professor I.S. Kolesnik1
Dr.Hab., Professor L.D. Nazarenko1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I. N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk

Initiatives to secure technical and tactical progress of skilled boxers give a high priority to new training process design and management technologies; with new training models, methods and tools intended, among other things, to mobilize the still untapped bodily resources. The study analyzes a competitive progress securing model making an emphasis on the bout programming skills building goals. A fight plan in modern boxing is based on analyses of information about the opponent, his fighting style with the favorite offence and defense actions, distance-control footwork etc.; to find, if possible, deficiencies in the technical/ tactical fitness. Competitive success in modern boxing is largely dependent on the boxer’s ability to adjust the prior fight plan as required to respond to the unexpected situations and opponent/s techniques/ tactics by fast and efficient solutions. It is obvious that success of the fight plan revisions depend on many situational specifics including the opponent’s position, footwork, guard, aggression in offense etc. The fight plan revision may be facilitated by the response action programming for each bout that means that the relevant programming skills need to be developed to control the opponent’s offence, defense and footwork and respond effectively and proactively. The bout programming skills building and testing experiment showed benefits of the programming skills training model.

Keywords: boxing, sport training, programming, educational experiment.


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