Urban physical training and sport practices: safety issues


PhD, Associate Professor T.A. Stepanova1
Dr.Med., Professor E.I. Pochekaeva1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Ryzhkin2
Associate Professor E.V. Nemtseva2
PhD R.M. Olkhovskiy3
1Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
2Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don
3Rostov regional branch of All-Russian public organization “Russian Student Sports Union”, Rostov-on-Don

  The study analyzes reports of the Russian Consumer Service Supervision Administration (Rostov Office) on the urban environmental, hygienic and health situation; and rates effects of the sanitary-hygienic living and learning conditions on the physically active sporting university students’ health situation. The sanitary-hygienic conditions were rated in the university lecture-rooms and municipal physical training and sport facilities. Subject to the study was the Experimental Group (EG, n=22) of the fifth-year students versus the Reference Group (RG, n=25) of the first-year students whose living and learning conditions were tested for the aerial ionization, microclimatic characteristics, X-ray doze levels and illumination levels. The study data and analyses demonstrated the need for the academic physical education and sport services being designed to meet the sanitary-hygienic standards. Based on the study findings, we recommend an algorithmic health improvement model sensitive to the environmental situation.

Keywords: physical education, sports, safety, student health standards, urban environment.


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