Sroi-based sport school performance efficiency rating analysis


Dr.Sc.Econ., Professor A.M. Makarov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Litvin1
PhD A.N. Lashkarev1
Master's student D.P. Arkalov1
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk

The study analyzes benefits of the SROI (Social Return on Investment) based sport school performance efficiency rating analysis, with the data for the analyses mined in the 2017 reports of Izhevsk sport schools including their statistical Sport School Reports (form 5FK) and the data available on the official municipal website The reporting data were processed by mean values computation and data processing, grouping and correlation analytical toolkit Data Mining. The analyses showed significant differences in the SROI-based sport schools performance efficiency rates including the sporting population and competitive success rates per every invested RUR. The SROI-based analyses showed a great potential of the sport schools in the sport financing and performance efficiency improvement aspects. Based on the study data and analyses, we offer a sport schools classification model with a special priority to the social return on investments, and classified the study sample into four school categories by the SROI rates.

Keywords: social return on sport investments, SROI concept, sport school performance efficiency rating.


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