Tutorial service to foreign students in academic physical education


PhD, Associate Professor O.N. Loginov1
R.I. Zapparov1
P.A. Kondratyev1
T.I. Makarenkova1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The study analyzes some issues of tutorial service to foreign students, cadets and officers trained in the national academic system. The growing need for the high quality tutorial service to foreign students on the whole and in the academic physical education process in particular is due to the fact that the academic faculties reportedly still underestimate the importance of sensitive tutorship to cultivate friendly attitudes to Russia, with such tutorial service designed to both secure the national interests and promote the commonly acknowledged human values. The new tutorship model piloting experiment was run by the Physical Education Department faculties of the Plekhanov RSU and Civil Defense Academy of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in the academic years of 2015 through 2017. Sampled for the model piloting experiment were foreign officers (n=34), cadets (n=28) and students (n=67). The tutorial service in the physical education curricula was designed to give the foreigners a basic knowledge of the Russian history, culture and traditions, plus wider engage them in a friendly informal communication with the Russian people and communities in the physical trainings, competitive events and referees training sessions. The new tutorial model was tested beneficial for 2 years of the experimental physical education service as verified by the Experimental Group (EG) progress in many aspects including the friendly attitudes to Russia.

Keywords: education, tutorship, value orientations, physical education, students, education curriculum.


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