Self-regulation mechanism in sporting elementary schoolchildren


PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Solodyankina1
PhD, Associate Professor T.F. Vostroknutova1
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk

The study was designed to analyze the self-regulation mechanisms development process in sporting elementary schoolchildren as these mechanisms are given a growing attention to by the modern psychological theory and practice. A special attention in the study is given to the notion and interpretation of the self-regulation mechanisms in the activity-centered domain, with sports considered among the core activities beneficial for the elementary schoolchildren. The article analyzes findings of our own studies of the psychological self-regulation mechanism in sporting elementary schoolchildren. It was found that the mechanisms in the non-parented children from orphanages versus parented children from general education schools are different in terms of the psychological control tools. The non-parented orphans were found focused on the expected results of the process rather than on the process content, whilst the parented children were tested much more interested in the process as such. The self-regulation mechanisms of the parented children, therefore, were tested highly developed to provide a basis of the other self-regulation qualities and abilities; versus the non-parented children who were tested with the low self-regulation mechanisms development rates and, hence, underdevelopments in the other self-regulation abilities. Having summarized findings of our own and other studies, we should underline the high promise of the study subject albeit many developmental issues of the self-regulation mechanisms in the sporting elementary schoolchildren still need to be explored.

Keywords: self-regulation, psychological mechanisms, sporting elementary schoolchildren.


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