Technology-prioritizing approach in physical education, sport and health service design


PhD, Associate Professor N.B. Serova1
PhD L.K. Tropina1
PhD, Associate Professor T.B. Golubeva1
T.N. Karfidova1
1Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg

The study analyzes benefits of the technology-prioritizing approach in the physical education, sport and health (PESH) service design, with the approach analyzed in application to the socio-cultural domain. Benefits of the technology-prioritizing approach in the service design include, among other things, a clear-cut algorithm for the service provider with a standard sequence of the service operations with improvements in the service efficiency, effectiveness and quality. The proposed technology-prioritizing approach was tested in practice in the bachelor training curricula of the Service and Health Sport Service disciplines; and master training curricula of the Service in the Health Sport Sector discipline at the Physical Education, Sport and Youth Policy Institute of the Ural Federal University. Subject to a special analysis under the study were the approach benefits as verified by the PESH service designs made in the final examination works by the bachelor and master course students in the period of 2013-18.

Keywords: technology-prioritizing approach, physical education, sport and health service, service design.


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