Sport sector transformation by russian market reforms in late XX to early xxi century


Postgraduate D.O. Chavkin1
Dr.Sc.Hist., Professor I.M. Kornilova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Fomina1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The study analyzes the national sport sector transformations as a result of the Russian market reforms in the late XX to early XXI century. We analyzed the modern theoretical and practical research approaches to the national physical education and sport (PES) sector with a special priority to the sport labor interpretations in terms of the market economy, missions of sports viewed as a social institution and the cultural role played by sports in the modern civilization. A special emphasis is made on the role of sport labor and interpretation of a sporting individual. It was found that the market transformations have resulted in the economic basis of the sport labor being revised; with the professional entrepreneurial sports giving a chance to every athlete to attain the individual ambitious goals and secure the personal social wellbeing and financial standing. The functionality and cultural aspects of the modern sports are analyzed using the database accumulated by the G.V. Plekhanov REU on the material and technical provisions for academic sports; academic sport design and management reports; and the questionnaire surveys of the student population yielding critical data on the student attitudes to the healthy lifestyles and modern sports versus their popularity rates; and the student ratings of the academic sport service quality. The study data and analyses show that the university management is fairly successful in the efforts to implement new theoretically grounded approaches to secure good social benefits of the academic sports supported by the relevant polices to advance the academic sports viewed as central for the academic physical education curricula.

Keywords: sports, sport labor, social institution, social functions, sport environment, physical education.


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