GTO complex application for personnel physical fitness tests in oil-and-gas sector



Master's student G.A. Lyubushkin1
Dr.Hab., Professor N.I. Sinyavsky1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Fursov1
PhD, Associate Professor N.N. Beznosko1
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut

The present study analyzes the GTO Complex Class VII Test system application for the 35-39 year-old personnel physical fitness tests and the HR health reporting and statistical purposes in the Gazprom Transgas Surgut Company Ltd. system. The GTO Complex Class VII Tests were run at the Surgut-based ‘Nadezhda’ [Hope] Physical Training Center, with 88 (55 male and 33 female) staff members of the Company sampled for the tests. Based on the test data, only 2.4%, 0.6% and 0.6% of the male subsample were able to qualify for the GTO Gold, Silver and Bronze badges, respectively, and 96.4% failed the tests; versus 5.4%, 0% and 5.4% qualifiers and 89.2% failures in the female subsample. On the whole, the physical fitness tests showed the 35-39 year-old male personnel being the least fit for the endurance tests and the female personnel being the least fit for the endurance and speed-strength tests.

Keywords: physical fitness, 35-39 year-old age category, obligatory tests, optional tests, GTO Complex, Gazprom Transgas Surgut Company personnel.


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