Elite 5-a-side (b1 category) blind futsal: players motivations analysis



K.S. Popenko1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor A.S. Makhov2
1Sports-adaptive school of Paralympic reserve, Yoshkar-Ola, Republic of Mari El
2Russian State Social University, Moscow

The study analyzes motivations of the elite 5-a-side (B1 category) blind futsal players, with the study data obtained in the international friendly tournament in Silvi Marina, Italy, in June 2018. It is a common knowledge that success in competitions of technically equal teams competing under maximal physical and mental pressures often depends on the individual motivations and personality qualities of the players. Problems faced by the elite 5-a-side (B1 category) blind futsal, as considered by our prior studies, still remain largely unresolved, and only a few regional governments take efforts to find solutions to them. One of such problems is due to the urgent need in practical provisions for the sport reserve training programs in the Paralimpic blind futsal. Such programs need to be designed with contribution from the best practical training and competitive experiences of the national teams and set clear and ambitious practical goals. As things now stand, however, the national blind futsal is still in need of a Federal Sport Training Standard for this sport discipline and, therefore, no framework is available at this juncture for the regional training programs. The situation is further complicated by the existing practical guidelines being largely formal in fact. The study shows the need for the coachers and expert in this sport discipline to focus their efforts on sound theoretical and practical concepts both for the elite Paralimpic blind futsal and sport reserve training systems.

Keywords: 5-a-side (В1 category) futsal for blind athletes, motivations, elite blind futsal players, Russian national team, athletic training process management.


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