Analysis of psychophysical competency for individual game disciplines in female students from Iraq republic



Gadri Nazik Subhi Mutar1
Dr.Hab., Professor G.V. Barchukova2
1University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Republic of Iraq
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

The national educational systems both in the Russian Federation and Iraq Republic have to adjust the training programs to duly prepare the pedagogical university students for the modern challenges and situations on the market of educational services. For success of the service, the education specialists have to fully mobilize their physical, mental and emotional resources and persistently advance their skills and knowledge using the relevant online education courses; practical research conferences; persistent self-education to master theoretical fundamentals of the modern physical education and sport service; and be active in trainings and competitions in their vocational individual game sports including badminton, table tennis and tennis. Due psychophysical competency for progress in the vocational fields shall be formed in the future coaches and instructors specializing in individual game sport disciplines for successful employment and career. Objective of the study in this context was to profile the psychophysical competency for the individual game disciplines in female students from the Iraq Republic, with the competency classified into the following four modules: theoretical knowledge, motor skills, personality qualities and teaching capacities. The efforts to build up due psychophysical competency in the future coaches and instructors specializing in the individual game sport disciplines are critical for their successful employment and careers.

Keywords: sport educational concept of psychophysical competency, teaching activity, female students from Iraq Republic.


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