Positive image building technology in application to sport discipline
D.P. Stepanova
Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
Objective of the study was to develop a positive image building technology in application to a sport discipline. The technology may be described as the algorithmic description of the process goals, methods and deliverables for every of the following six image building stages: (1) preparatory stage to put in place a data processing and analytical resource for the image building project; (2) modeling stage to profile the imaging process for the subject sport discipline; (3) strategic stage to work out the image building strategy; (4) modeled image promotion stage; (5) imaging program implementation stage; and (6) reflection stage to analyze and rate the imaging program efficiency. The proposed positive image building technology in application to sport disciplines was proved beneficial by the technology testing experiment in sport organizations of Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Dmitrov cities.
Keywords: image of sport, image profile, sport positive image building technology.
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