Football referee rating model
PhD E.A. Turbin1
PhD A.D. Budogossky1
1All-Russian Association "Football Referee Training Center", Moscow
The study considers the new football referee rating model and the potential benefits of its practical application in the formal professional football competitions in Russia – based on the findings of the football referee rating model piloting experiment. The model was designed to factor in every key criterion of the refereeing service quality, with the model test data processed by the standard mathematical statistics toolkit.
The football referee/ assistant referee rating model testing experiment run in 2017 showed benefits of the model, and it was accepted for implementation (with a few minor revisions) by the Refereeing Service Committee of the Russian Football Union in 2018. The key benefits of the model may be listed as follows: relatively simple service quality rating procedure using the preset rating criteria; fair assessment of the refereeing service quality, with the errors effectively removed by the mathematical statistics toolkit; and the high customization capacity of the model that makes it readily available for implementation in the interregional and regional football federations with no serious adaptations required.
Keywords: referee, referee work, rating, criteria.
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