Speed-strength abilities building in modern martial arts



PhD, Associate Professor M.Y. Stepanov1
PhD, Associate Professor M.B. Salamatov2
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
2Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow

The study offers a new classification of modern martial arts based on the critical speed-strength abilities and gives a detailed analysis of the speed-strength building tools applicable in martial arts (with boxing taken for the case study), with their advantages and drawbacks. Deficiencies in the boxers’ training process are proposed to be corrected by a new inertia-free isokinetic training machine that makes it possible to closely model and profile the punching/ kicking biodynamic patterns in variably difficult fight situations. The computerized training machine provides a feedback to rate every element of the punching/ kicking process including its strength, speed, power and intensity. The real-time punching/ kicking process profiling capacity of the machine makes it possible to set a training mode and control the workload so that to attain the best possible training effect.

Keywords: martial arts, punching/ kicking actions, process testing training machine KIT-70, punch/ kick power, strength and speed, speed-strength qualities.


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