Competitive training models, methods and tools for chess players with health disorders



PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Mikhaylova1
Dr.Hab., Professor О.N. Stepanova2
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow

The study analyzes the missions and specifics of the key training models for the players with health disorders in the modern competitive chess viewed as intellectually demanding sport discipline that requires high logical/ abstract thinking capacities. Objective of the study was to overview benefits of the modern competitive training models, methods and tools for chess players with health disorders to secure their good competitive progress plus mental, physical and social health standards.
The study demonstrates that a high priority in the sport identification, training and competitions of players with health disorders must be given both to the intellectual and physical training practices geared to develop the key intellectual qualities, mental functions, physical and social qualities in the players. A special emphasis in the training and competitive process optimizing factors shall be given to a set of health and natural environment sensitive tools geared to mitigate the negative effects of overtraining and intellectual, sensor, emotional and physical fatigue in the players.
The systemic competitive training models, methods and tools for the chess players with health disorders shall be designed to harmonically develop the intellectual, physical and mental qualities critical for success; and improve and maintain due mental, physical and social health standards in the modern adaptive chess sport.

Keywords: competitive chess, Federal Sport Training Standard, competitive fitness, physical qualities, mental qualities, players with health disorders.


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