85th anniversary of saint Petersburg research institute of physical culture



PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Vorobyev1
Dr.Biol., Professor V.A. Rogozkin1
1St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg

The study analyzes the history of St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture (SPSRIPC) that has always been in the lead of the national research in a wide range of physical education and sport training issues; and is proud of its renowned scholars and achievements in many research fields. Presently SPSRIPC gives a high priority to research projects in the following fields: movement coordination qualities; natural psychological qualities and predispositions to specific activities; bodily structural and functional reserves and physical working capacity in long-term and annual training cycles; physical fitness, training and overtraining rating methods; physical and mental activity specifics under extreme conditions, including those in case of health limitations etc.

Keywords: Institute of Physical Culture, development, research, efficiency.


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