Some injury risk factors in football referee training system



Dr.Hab., Professor G.N. Grets1
Dr.Med., Professor I. I. Bakhrakh2
PhD A.D. Budogosskiy3
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Novoselov3, 4
S.N. Ignatyev3
1Smolensk Olympic Academy of the West of Russia, Smolensk
2Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Smolensk
3All-Russian Association "Football Referee Training Center", Moscow
4Russian State Medical University, Moscow

The study analyzes the injury statistics of the beginner football referee training system (academies, schools, centers); and rates the injury risk factors versus the reported musculoskeletal system injuries in the field trainings and class education and training process. Subject to the study were two groups of students of the All-Russian Association of Football Referee Training Centers in the period of 2014-2016. Group 1 (n=20) was composed the students with musculoskeletal system injuries contracted during the education/ training process or formal refereeing services to amateur clubs. Group 2 (n=27) was randomly sampled of 68 healthy students. The individual adaptability of the sample was rated by Omega-S and Omron BF-508 Test Systems, plus the orthostatic tests and Harvard step-test method. The study data and analyses showed the individual adaptability rate being correlated with the musculoskeletal system injury statistics; and were used to produce injury prevention recommendations for the beginner football referee training system.

Keywords: football referees, students of academies/ centers, injury statistics, risk factors.


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