Off-class professional service competency building model for bachelors of physical education



PhD, Associate Professor L.M. Kravtsova1, 2
1South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (SUSU), Chelyabinsk
2Higher School of Physical Education and Sports, Chelyabinsk

The modern off-class physical education formats under the new educational solutions require the pedagogical university students being well trained for and competent in these service formats. The article overviews and analyzes benefits of the off-class service competency building model designed as required by the process logics and mission. The frame model offers the educational process provisions, content, methods, tools, stages and progress test tools for successful training for the off-class physical education service. The model testing experiment was run at the Higher School of Physical Education and Sports of South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University in the period of 2015 to 2018, with four groups of students sampled for the study purposes. The model was designed as an integrated educational service system to build up the key competences and knowledgebase for the off-class physical education service in the future education specialist. The off-class professional service competency is interpreted in the study as the integrated personality quality cultivated by the permanent individual educational process. The frame off-class service competency building model is intended to improve the professional competency in the off-class physical education service domain. The model piloting experiment showed its benefits as verified by the academic progress goals attained by the experimental groups.

Keywords: professional training, off-class physical education service, frame model.


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