Students’ mental wellbeing in academic environment



Dr.Sc.Phil., Professor A.I. Panyukov1
Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor Y.G. Panyukova2
PhD, Associate Professor T.Sh. Mamedova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.F. Ponizovkina1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow

Objective of the study was to analyze the issues of the students’ mental wellbeing in an academic environment. The study outlines the key avenues for the theoretical and empirical studies of the students’ mental wellbeing issues in the context of both the individual psychology and academic education psychology.
The key study findings may be summarized as follows. We have analyzed a few key theoretical provisions for the students’ mental wellbeing in the modern academic environments – based on the learning environment mental safety concept by I.A. Baev; students’ external and internal motivations versus their mental wellbeing rating method by T.O. Gordeeva, O.A. Sychev, Y.N. Osin; psychological survey of learning environment viewed as a socio-ecologic system by G.A. Kovalev; psychological expert examination method by V.A. Yasvin in application to academic learning environments; and experimental psychological didactic method by V.I. Panov. A special priority in the study was given to the personality mental wellbeing test method by T.D. Shevelenkova and P.P. Fesenko.

Keywords: students’ mental wellbeing, academic environment, positive attitudes, autonomy, environmental management, personality growth, life missions, self-acceptance, socio-ecologic system, psychological expert examination of learning environment, experimental psychological didactics.


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