Thermal water training model benefits for students’ health



Dr.Hab., Professor V.L. Kondakov1
PhD, Associate Professor Е.N. Kopeikina1
V.V. Agoshkov1
PhD V.I. Bocharova1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod

Objective of the study was to provide theoretical and experimental grounds for the thermal water training model viewed as the promising physical cultural and health technology (PCHT). Subject to the study was a sample of the university male (n=36) and female (n=36) students engaged in the thermal water training model including: health swimming; contrasting shower; and sauna with cold dousing. The thermal water training model was found beneficial as verified by the BelSU students’ progress in the key health test rates and general somatic health test rates (generated by the G.L. Apanasenko Tests). Presently in the national academic physical education system a top priority is being given to the students’ somatic health improvement and physical activation initiatives; due motivations for systemic (including self-reliant) physical practices; and theoretical grounds for the most efficient physical activation models of highest demand in the student communities. The proposed physical education and health technology may be considered a promising educational tool as verified by its multisided positive effects on the students’ health.

Keywords: thermal water training, water procedures, bath procedures, thermoregulation, fitness and health technology.


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