GTO complex implementation technology for educational system



PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Voronkov1
PhD, Associate Professor I.N. Nikulin1
Dr.Phil., Professor V.P. Babintsev1
PhD J.A. Shapoval1
Postgraduate Ya.A. Goncharuk1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod

The study analyzes practical experience of the GTO Complex implementation project at Belgorod State National Research University with a special emphasis on the GTO Complex implementation process control mechanism including the following modules: progress test, regulatory, design and corporate management modules. The progress test module implies the GTO Complex implementation progress being tested and monitored on the run using a relevant set of progress criteria to analyze the project success. The regulatory module implies the relevant local legal and regulatory framework being secured for the project implementing educational establishment. The project design module is intended to design a roadmap for the GTO Complex implementation in the establishment. And the corporate management module is designed to control and manage the GTO Complex implementation process.
The study offers a set of the GTO Complex implementation efficiency rating criteria applicable at the educational establishment. The study data demonstrates the need for the GTO Complex implementation projects being further supported by the modern technologies with the relevant updates of the existing system based on the progress test data with elimination of the barriers, contradictions and serious inefficiencies in the process.

Keywords: GTO complex, efficiency criteria, educational organization.


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