Academic physical education efficiency improvement based on first-year students’ physical fitness test data



PhD, Associate Professor M.I. Sentizova1
A.V. Guryeva1
E.I. Savvinova1
A.G. Barakhsina1
1Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk

The mission of the academic Physical Education Department is to develop the students’ motor skills and abilities and improve their physical qualities; with the mission being facilitated by new efficient physical education methods and tools. For success of the mission, the university faculty should make initial physical fitness tests to rate the beginner students’ physicality to prudently design and manage the physical education process.
Objective of the study was to rate physical fitness of the Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University first-year students and apply the test data and analyses for the educational process efficiency improvement in the academic physical education system. The proposed test system makes it possible to objectively rate general physical fitness of first-year students. Further studies are needed to analyze the students’ physical progress and secure due motivations for the academic physical education and sports. The physical fitness test system described in the article provides the means to obtain objective test data highly helpful for the academic physical education process improvement purposes.

Keywords: physical fitness, physical education, test, control.


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