Bioimpedance tests to rate women’s age-specific body composition variations



PhD, Associate Professor E.O. Rybakova1
PhD, Associate Professor Т.N. Shutova2
I.M. Bodrov2
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
2Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The study analyzes the women’s age-specific body composition rating bioimpedance test data. The bio-impedance tests were designed to obtain a set of the body resistance rates versus the body anthropometrical characteristics to rate the absolute and relative body components and assess the bodily resource and potential exposure to a variety of diseases. The study was performed at the Federal Winter Sport Training Center (FWSTC) ‘Snezhinka’ named after A.A. Danilov. Subject to the study were 18-74 year-old women (n=159) split up into five age groups, with the age-specific body components rated by the InBody 720 Bio-impedance Test and Analyzer system.
The study data and analyses showed that 30+ year-old physically inactive women may lose up to 3-5% of the muscle mass and 5-9% of the body water mass and gain up to 6-10% in the fat mass every 10 years

Keywords: bioimpedance tests, body composition, women.


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