Combined fitness program for students’ health and physical working capacity building



PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Osychenko1
T.L. Dyachenko1
D.Yu. Miroshnik1
I.V. Lyashov1
1Stavropol State Agrarian University, Stavropol

The study analyzes the key issues with concern to the students’ health protection and building initiatives to secure good academic progress followed by a successful professional career. The modern academic educational process is so intensive that due mobilization of the body functionality and resource is critical for success in the academic educational period. The academic process workloads are increasingly dominated by intellectual, emotional and mental stresses rather than only physical ones. As a result, students are increasingly exposed to fatigues and burnouts associated with nervous system diseases and other health disorders. Physical activity shall be high enough to mobilize the functionality reserves and improve the students’ health and wellbeing. The study analyzes benefits of a few health building systems applicable in the academic educational process. The authors have developed a combined fitness program for the students’ health and physical working capacity building. The program was found beneficial due to the reasonable combination of the health fitness with the body tempering practices that was proved more effective than the traditional fitness-only health practices. The training program was found to activate the bodily defense systems and effectively build up the physical and intellectual working capacity. The positive effects of the new combined fitness program supported by the reasonably designed diets secured progress of the trainees in the post-training rehabilitation too.

Keywords: students, combined fitness program, mental and emotional stresses, physical and intellectual working capacity.


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