Factors of influence on competitive performance in modern volleyball



Postgraduate A.S. Ananyin1
PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Bulykina1
PhD, Associate Professor V.S. Markaryan1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the factors of influence on the competitive performance in modern volleyball and rate the factors by the degrees of influence on a 4-point scale with the topmost influence rated by 1 point. The rating data were processed by a standard statistical toolkit. Subject to a questionnaire survey under the study were 9 experts including 3 Honorary Masters of Sports, 3 members of the Commission for the game rules and refereeing service under the Russian Volleyball Federation. The expert opinion poll made it possible to find the following factors of influence on the competitive performance in modern volleyball: match servicing standards; compliance of game rules; qualifications of referees; and team qualifications. It is the compliance of the game rules that was found the most influential on the competitive performance in the expert opinions; whilst the match servicing standards were found the least influential on the competitive performance in modern volleyball.

Keywords: volleyball, competitive performance, volleyball rules, competitive performance progress factors.


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