Retrospective analysis of athletic physical education process correlations with psychomotor abilities



Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor V.P. Ozerov1
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Nebytova1
PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Katrenko1
Applicant Yu.I. Zhuravleva2
1North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol
2Pyatigorsk Medical Pharmaceutical Institute - branch of Volgograd Medical State University, Pyatigorsk

The high priority given in the sport science to the special athletic abilities building issues is due to the fact that they are central for modern psychology. The priority for the psychomotor abilities is further verified by the fact that I.M. Sechenov (who introduced the notion of psychomotor qualities) and P.F. Lesgaft emphasized the promises of the human psychomotor ability studies integrating the physical and mental aspects. It should be noted, however, that the theoretical psychology and education psychology sciences still widely differ in their interpretations and applications of the relevant key psychological notions and definitions. The article analyzes and offers definitions of these notions. The article demonstrates benefits of the integrated studies of the psychomotor abilities and their focused training models.

Keywords: structure, gifts, psychomotor abilities and qualities, psychomotor traits, psychomotor predispositions and gifts, physical education, physical activity.


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