1-3 year-olds adaptation process design and research in recreational therapeutic swimming system



Dr.Hab. E.V. Milyakova1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Dorgan1
Doctoral student M.A. Vashchenko1
1State University of Physical Education and Sports, Moldova, Chisinau

The article offers a project with the relevant heuristic algorithms for an efficient design and research of a recreational therapeutic swimming system for the 1-3 year-olds to secure their effective adaptation with an emphasis on the age-specific needs including cognitive, speech and physical developing needs with a special priority to the health building process. Applied for the purposes of the study were the following theoretical methods: knowledgebase analysis; synthesis; abstraction; formalizing; modeling; dialectic; sustantiation etc. methods. The system design was made under the dissertation studies at State University of Physical Education and Sports of the Republic of Moldova Doctorate in the period of August to October 2017.
The study found the key adaptation factors of the 1-3 year-olds and the most efficient adaptability building methods with the relevant grounds, concepts, provisions and standards for the cognitive development component of the adaptation process. The article also offers the study process logics including subject, object, objective, missions, tools, methods and expected deliverables; plus process timeframe with phases and stages.

Keywords: design, research methodology, 1-3 year-olds' adaptation, recreational therapeutic swimming system.


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