Comparative analysis of GTO complex implementation progress at municipal level versus regional progress rating data



PhD, Associate Professor Yu.Yu. Borina1
D.V. Paranin2
Postgraduate S.S. Galanova1
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
2Administration of Tchaikovsky municipal district, Tchaikovsky

Objective of the study was to rate progress and quality of the GTO Complex implementation project for the city of Tchaikovsky and Tchaikovsky Municipal District versus the regional progress rating reports. Subject to the study were the relevant municipal legal and regulatory provisions and the key implementation models for the GTO Complex in Tchaikovsky versus the relevant regional and Russian benchmarks. The study data and analyses demonstrated that most of the GTO Complex progress rates reported by the Tchaikovsky and Tchaikovsky Municipal District authorities are in excess of the averages for the Perm Territory albeit lower than the Russian regional leaders’ progress rates. The study findings gave the means to offer a few process improvement recommendations. It is recommended, among other things, to more actively lure people for registration in the GTO digital database for the GTO Complex (III, IV, IX and X Class) Tests; find the most efficient ways to encourage the popular qualifications for the GTO Complex (III and IV Class) Tests; take actions to promote and advance the GTO Complex in the municipality and districts; and explore the opportunities for increased financing of the GTO Complex tests and events from a variety of sources including non-budgetary ones.

Keywords: Russian Physical Education and Sports ‘Ready for Labour and Defence’ (GTO) Complex, GTO progress rating criteria, progress avenues.


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