Qualifications for GTO gold badge: statistics and analysis



PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Sokolova1
1St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, St. Petersburg

The article analyses the statistics of qualifications (n= 72,719 in total) for the GTO Gold Badge reported for the period of 12.08.15 to 31.12.16 by 85 regions of the Russian Federation, with the reported data analyzed by the regional contributions (%) and qualification classes (I to XI), and with the regions ranked by the GTO Gold Badge qualifications.
The statistical data and analysis showed the actively sporting school, university, CYSS and CYORSS students being more determined and successful in the GTO Complex Tests. The students were found additionally motivated by the extra points required to enter universities and qualify for special university stipends.

Keywords: regions of the Russian Federation, GTO Complex, Gold Badge, comparative analysis.


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