Technical and tactical skills building in modern Greco-Roman wrestling supported by motivation-and-compulsion system



PhD, Professor Yu.V. Boltikov1
PhD, Professor O.B. Solomakhin1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor I.E. Konovalov1
1Volga region state academy of physical culture, sports and tourism, Kazan

The study considers the high priority problem of the technical and tactical skills building in modern Greco-Roman wrestling. The study was performed at ‘Vityaz’ CYSS in Naberezhnye Chelny. Subject to the study were junior Greco-Roman wrestlers split up into Experimental and Reference Groups (EG, RG) of 26 people each. The Reference Groups was trained as required by the standard CYSS program; and the Experimental Groups were trained as required by the A.S. Kuznetsov’s frame technical skills building program supported by a motivation-and-compulsion system. The motivation-and-compulsion system of our own design implies integration of the sport qualification and technical requirements, with the sport and technical qualifications being combined. Benefits of the motivation-and-compulsion system were tested for 4 years by the following test criteria: technical skills versatility; activity rate; action success (quantitative) rate; action efficiency (qualitative) rate; and the scoring rate. It should be noted that the Experimental and Reference Groups were virtually the same in the compositions, physical and technical fitness rates prior to the experiment. After the first, second and third years of the model piloting experiment, the groups showed progress in every test rate, with the statistically meaningful intergroup differences. In the fourth year of the experiment, the groups still showed progress in every test rate, with the Experimental Group demonstrating meaningful advantages in the tests. Therefore, the motivation-and-compulsion system was found beneficial for the Greco-Roman wrestlers’ education and training process as verified by the EG meaningful progress in the competitive technical skills versatility, technical and tactical fitness rates and the competitive success rates.

Keywords: Greco-Roman wrestlers, technical and tactical training, sport qualifications, technical categories, competitive performance.


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