Physical education, sporting, recreation and health service at Surgut State University: design and management experience analysis



Dr.Hab., Professor S.M. Kosenok1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Peshkov1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Peshkova1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Apokin1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

The study analyzes the physical education, sporting, recreational and health service provided at Surgut State University. Active longevity may be secured by due disease-prevention and physical activity facilitation initiatives including the healthy lifestyle promotion ones, with the physical practices being reasonably managed on an age-specific basis in the scopes and intensities to secure good benefits of the physical education, sporting, recreational and health services.
For these purposes, the university management has taken persistent efforts to facilitate the academic sports, physical education sportization initiatives and effective support a variety of recreational and health events and initiatives for the faculty and students. On the whole, the relevant questionnaire surveys and monitoring show the academic groups being satisfied with the academic sports and physical education services and accomplishments, albeit there still exist a few problems that need to be addressed on a technologically sound basis including the actions to lure different student groups and faculty in the trainings for the GTO Complex tests; elective academic physical education and sport courses, particularly for the handicapped and disabled students; expanded range of the academic sports for the elective courses and group sports for the faculty and students; university competitions in the adaptive sports; and well-designed and managed support for the students’ self-management initiatives in the academic sports domain.

Keywords: health, physical education, sporting, recreation and health service, academic sports, sportization of physical education.


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