Students’ health programs in educational system of Russian Empire: modern trends in historical context



Dr.Sc.Hist., Professor I.V. Maslova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.E. Krapotkina1
PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Martynova2
1Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University, Elabuga
2Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Krasnodar

The study analyzes the historical (late XIX to the early XX century) experience of the Kazan Education District in the students’ health improvement domain, with a special attention to the custodians’ service and special projects of the Kazan Education District Management designed to encourage school physical education and active leisure-time sports. Objective of the study was to demonstrate the historical succession and connections of the past physical education experience of the late XIX to early XX century with the modern policies and practices in the sector. Applied for the study purposes were the following methods: analysis, generalization, survey, comparative historical and retrospective study methods. The study data and analyses give the grounds to believe that in the late XIX to early XX century the Kazan Education District custodians gave a high priority to the most effective actions and projects to facilitate the health services provided by the school administrations and to support the students’ interest in the school physical education service. The students’ health improvement programs are still in top priority in the modern Russian educational system, with the preschool, school, secondary, higher and advanced education establishments contributing to the national physical education and sports development policies and practices in the Russian Federation.

Keywords: Kazan Educational District, custodian, students’ health improvement, leisure time education, physical education and health activity.


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