Management competency building in future Physical Education specialists



Dr.Hab., Professor S.B. Seryakova1
Postgraduate G.V. Nikitovskaya2
Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow
1Taras Shevchenko Trans-Dniester State University, Tiraspol

Keywords: future physical education specialist, management competency, management competency rating criteria.

Background. Objective of the modern physical education specialist training process, as provided by the valid vocational and higher education standards, is to secure the individual progress and accumulate practical professional experience within the frame of the modern humanistic competency-building approach [3, p. 28]. In the academic training of modern physical education specialists, special attention shall be given to their active professional contributions in the health-building education environment creation domain – designed to secure, as provided by Professor L.I. Lubysheva, “due health-forming values, senses and reflections within the individual development and self-fulfillment agenda”, with the relevant competences being developed in the trainees via “active partnership interrelations of the educational process actors in the health environment” [2, p. 53].

The theoretically substantiated demand for the responsible and active individual contributions of the process actors [1] gives the grounds to conclude that a high priority should be given to the management competency building in the future physical education personnel.

Educator’s management competency is interpreted in the relevant research literature as the complex values-driven individual mental structure that gives the means for the specialist to professionally manage a team of trainees to attain the expected educational process goals (O.Yu. Zaslavskaya, I.A. Korobeynikova, L.V. Stroykina, L.N. Pavlova, E.L. Chesnova et al.).

Objective of the study was to rate the management competency of the future physical education personnel in the academic educational process.

Methods and structure of the study. Educator’s management competency may be classified into the following components ratable by the relevant criteria: values-motivational; cognitive, operational and reflective ones.

The values-motivational component shall be considered basic in the management competency structure for the reason that it is the system of individual beliefs, values and behavioural models that underlie the management world-outlook-driven competency of a future physical education specialist. High rate of this management competency component means the high proficiency in the education management domain, high interpersonal communication skills and active self-development agenda. Moderate rate of this management competency component means that the individual is fairly determined to attain specific educational process goals via joint efforts with his trainees. And the low rate of this management competency component means that the individual considers the trainees only as the process objects being driven by own professional career-making goals.

The cognitive component of the management competency is rated by the degree of the management competency being secured by the relevant theoretical background. High rate of this management competency component means that the individual has profound knowledge in the theoretical and practical basics of the management process and is fully capable of applying the management competency for success of the educational process missions. Moderate rate of this management competency component means that the individual has basic knowledge as required by the valid educational standards and may apply the knowledge within the relevant algorithm. And the low rate of this management competency component means that the individual knowledgebase is fragmented and inconsistent and may not be efficiently applied in the professional educational process.

The operational component of the management competency is ratable by the following rating criteria: management knowledge and skills; and management mastery in adaptation to the changing operational environments. High rate of this management competency component means that the individual is fully competent in the situation-specific management models based on profound conscientious knowledge. Moderate rate of this management competency component means that the individual is capable to fulfill standard management missions based on a satisfactorily developed knowledge. And the low rate of this management competency component means that the individual has poor management knowledge and skills and can only imitate or inefficiently perform the required management responsibilities.

And the reflective component of the management competency may be rated as follows. High rate of this management competency component means that the future educator is fully prepared to constructively and fairly rate his/her own professional progress and effectively manage the trainees’ reflection processes. Moderate rate of this management competency component means that the individual can make reasonable reflection-driven decisions but cannot effectively manage the trainees’ reflection processes. And the low rate of this management competency component means that the individual is poorly prepared for the reflective self-analysis.

Management competency of the future physical education specialist is rated well-developed when every of the above competency components is formed and duly harmonized with the others.

The study was performed at Taras Shevchenko Transnistria State University, with 63 graduate-course students of the Physical Education and Sports Department subject to the study. The values-motivational component of the management competency was rated based on the Personality Priorities Test by V. Smekal and M. Kucher and Motivation Profile Test-questionnaire by S. Ritchie and P. Martin.

Study results and discussion. The tests found 44.4% of the sample demonstrating the high personality determination for professional progress driven by the personal success related motivations; with 36.5% of the sample tested interested in teamwork; and only 19.1% tested with the professional progress agenda centered on the teamwork for the team success. Our analyses of the individual motivation profiles showed the high priority given to the following aspects: need for recognition by other people (46%); need for better incentives for the job (44.4%); and need for changes, diversity and stimulants in the business to avoid stagnation (52.4%). The aspects rated relatively low by the tests were as follows: need for high goals and accomplishments with due self-motivating ability (17.5%); need for progress in personality development and career domain (14.3%). Based on the test data, the sample was rated as follows: 17.5% rated high; 46% rated moderate; and 36.5% rated low in this domain.

The cognitive component of the management competency was rated by the knowledge tests and the Teacher’s Professional Career: Myths and Reality questionnaire survey designed by M.V. Seliverstova. Only 17.5% of the sample were tested to show a well-developed management competency; followed by 39.7% tested with the basic theoretical knowledge of the management methods supported by some personal practical experience. The survey data showed 52.4% of the sample understanding the need for their education service to be supported by all-round management knowledge and skills, with 65% of the respondents reportedly feeling the need for special management competency. Based on the management knowledge and interest test data, the cognitive component of the sample was rated as follows: 14.3% rated high; 52.4% rated moderate; and 33.3% rated low in this management component.

The operational component of the management competency was rated by the E.Y Zimina’s Education Process Monitoring System plus Psychological Rating of the Personality Management Capacity for Teamwork by L.I. Umanskiy, A.N. Lutoshkin, A.S. Chernyshov and N.P. Fetiskin. The operational component rating tests showed only 11.2% of the sample being competent for efficient and determined management activity in a wide variety of educational process situations with the relevant conscientious management responsibility for the teamwork; 44.4% of the sample were tested with serious constraints for the self-reliant management operations and, hence, prone to imitating the management process and the relevant social responsibility. Based on the operation component test data, the sample was rated as follows: 11.2% rated high; 44.4% - moderate; and 44.4% - low in this management component.

 The reflective component of the management competency was rated by the Personality Reflection Ability Test by A.V. Karpov and the Reflection Differentiating Test by D.A. Leontyev, Y.M. Lapteva, Y.N. Osin and A.Z. Salikhova. Based on the reflective component test data, the sample was rated as follows: 12.7% - high; 57.1% - moderate; and 30.2% - low in this management component.

The management competency components rating test data were consolidated with full awareness of the fact that every component is indispensible for the further progress path and level of the individual management capacity attainable by every student. Based on the consolidated management competency test data, we arrived to the following study results: only 13.9% of the sample were rated high; 49.6% rated moderate; and 36.5% rated low on the management competency rating scale. We applied the Page’s L Trend test to rate the inter-componential transitions for the management competency components, and obtained the following result:

Lempirical= 34 < Lcritical= 84 with p = < 0.05.

Since the empirical value is lower than critical, it means that the components classification criteria are fair enough and, hence, the components rating procedure is dependable.

Conclusion. For success of the management competency building process at the academic physical education and sports department, the process shall be prudently staged to secure the following: interdisciplinary integration to facilitate the theoretical knowledge being productively generalized and digested by the students; experimental programs to create the management process modeling environment; and practical professional service on a volunteer basis to accumulate some practical management experience.


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  2. Lubysheva L.I., Cherepov E.A. Obosnovanie effektivnosti proektirovaniya zdoroveformiruyuschego obrazovatelnogo prostranstva shkoly na osnove sportizatsii fizicheskogo vospitaniya [Sportization of physical education to prove efficiency of school health building educational space]. Chelovek. Sport. Meditsina, 2016, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 52-61.
  3. Seryakova S.B. Tekhnologicheskiy podkhod v proektirovanii obrazovatelnykh programm [Technological approach to curricula design]. Prepodavatel XXI veka, 2016, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 24-31.

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The ongoing educational system reforms give a growing priority to professional competency of physical education personnel with a special emphasis on the education team management abilities and skills to cultivate due health values and secure high physical fitness standards. Objective of the study was to rate the management competency of future physical education personnel in a real academic educational process. Educator’s management competency is interpreted in the relevant research literature as the complex individual mental structure that integrates (with due priority to the teacher's vocational self-identification and determination) the abilities and skills in: goal-setting; selection of tools for the mission; independent decision-making; students’ learning process management; and reflections to rate own and students’ progress and successes. The study was completed at Taras Shevchenko Transnistria State University, with the graduate-course students of the Physical Education and Sports Department sampled for the study. The study data were classified using four criteria and three ranks. The management competency of the future physical education personnel was rated component-wise using the values-motivational, cognitive, operational and reflective components rating criteria. The study data and analyses showed benefits of the projects to build up the relevant management competency in future physical education specialists in the academic educational process.