Acmeological stand shaping service to physical education specialists in advanced education system



PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Zarubina1
Dr.Hab., Professor M.I. Lukyanova1
PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Fakhretdinova1
PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Danilov1
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after V.I. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk


Keywords: teacher’s acmeological culture, professional competency of education specialist, advanced education service for adults, innovative activity.

Background. Modern situation in the national educational system requires the government, academic communities and students’ families making due provisions for the students’ progress, with a special emphasis on the provisions being duly integrated and harmonized to facilitate intellectual, artistic, musical and physical abilities development components. It is the physical education specialist service that is paramount for success of “education, development, socializing, cultural, elucidation, research, practical, management, physical training, sporting, health-improvement and recreation activity” [2]. It should be emphasized that the success in these activities largely depends also on how developed the acmeological stand is in the educator.

Objective of the study was to consider the educational process provisions for the acmeological stand shaping service to the physical education specialists in a multidisciplinary advanced educational system.

Study results and discussion. Presently the notion of acmeological stand is subject to special consideration and discussion in the research community, with different analysts offering different meanings and definitions. Thus, V.N. Maksimova defines acmeological stand as the humanistic attitude of the education specialist to cooperation with the student to facilitate the latter’s progress in creativity, health improvement and academic learning aspects. It is only natural to assume that such a stand may be attained only via the determined professional/ personality/ spiritual development process [4, p. 77] and, hence, as provided by N.M. Poletaeva, the educator must be highly ambitious for success, with good reflective and self-assessment abilities for persistent search and progress, and duly open to new professional progress tools [7]. She further states that the acmeological stand may be interpreted as the product of the individual values-and-senses-driven self-identification with a special priority given to the values of good health, success and spiritual progress. A.A. Derkach in much the same way defines the acmeological stand as the “well-settled individual attitude to every problematic personal situation” [1, pp. 309-310] that implies that the actor has developed a stable world outlook with the relevant attitudes to people, lifestyle and business, with the attitudes being critical for his/her success in the professional career and personality development process.

We believe that the acmeological stand may be defined as the key for the education specialist’s progress to ensure the individual educational service quality and professional growth [3].

The acmeological stand, forming a basis for the education specialist’s professionally important personality qualities, is manifested in the individual behavioral models with the relevant spontaneous or conscientious effects on the students, with the duly designed and managed educational process being critical for the acmeological stand to be duly formed in junior and adult individuals.

Practical experience accumulated at Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University (USPU) named after V.I. Ulyanov shows how the above goal may be attained with application of a multidiscipliary and customizable advanced educational system. In addition to the active education technologies, the system implies an efficient and expanded partnership subsystem to involve a variety of the relevant regional institutions, encourage contributions of physical education specialists to the relevant innovative activities, informational and practical support etc. The Advanced Education Department of USPU, directly responsible for the professional progress and acmeological stand shaping service, offers a wide variety of advanced education programs for physical education specialists, with each program designed on a modular basis i.e. including the following two key modules. Module 1 is designed for general theoretical training and covers a wide range of the relevant matters to facilitate the broad theoretical, methodological and practical knowledgebase indispensable for a successful teaching career being accumulated. Module 2 offers a special training course to address many professional issues of the modern educational process in the context of the new FSES and GTO Complex reinstatement project.

Cognitive component of the advanced education programs is encouraged by the educational process design related subjects with an emphasis on the general education FSES compliance, personality development process support by the psychological tools and the students’ socializing matters.

Special priority in the programs is given to the practical education component that focuses on the learning/ training process design and off-class education matters in the context of the relevant education standards. Students are given every opportunity to attain their personality development and interdisciplinary competency building process goals via the modern education technologies including personality-centered, individualized, problem-solving, non-compulsory, dialogue-based, reflective and other ones. A special emphasis in the programs is given to the key modern technological aspects of the modern lesson being mastered including: applying the individual student’s experiences in the physical development and sporting domain; choice and success situations applied in the academic process to facilitate progress in the students’ individual abilities etc. For the purposes of the acmeological stand shaping process, a special priority in the courses is given to dialogues with the students to: better motivate the students for physical education and sports; employ every value of the physical training process for the self-development and goal-attainment purposes in the individual physical progress; and secure due cooperation and joint creativity in competitive events, sport games etc. [5].

In the practical studies under the programs, a special priority is given to the communicative component development to support the professional competences. The ability to establish and maintain contacts in classes, competitive teams and large groups of students at mass competitive events is ranked among the key credentials required for success of the educational process communication. This ability shall be excelled throughout the school service period in practical communication with every participant of the educational process including families, students, school management, relevant government officers, civil society activists and others [6]. 

In the advance education courses, the physical education specialists visit the best educational establishments to learn the best education practices and experiences of their colleagues. It is not unusual that such an experience is generated in the innovative project activity by the relevant leading education centers and research/ practical associations operating in the Ulyanovsk region. Many of such innovative projects are directly related to acmeology and health-shaping teaching activity, for instance: “Acmeological modeling of the professional personality progress in the school educational process”. A special priority in the outsource educational service is given to the management component of the professional competency building process.

Conclusion. In the new advanced education programs the students pass entrance, interim and final tests to rate their progress in the acmeological stand shaping domain.


  1. Adulkhanova K.A., Derkach A.A. Akmeologiya. Uchebnik [Acmeology. Teaching aid]. 2nd ed., rev. Moscow: RACS publ., 2006, 424 p.
  2. Kuznetsova N.A. Professionalno-pedagogicheskaya kompetentnost uchitelya fizicheskoy kultury [Professional-pedagogical competency of physical education teacher]. Vestnik Shadrinskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo instituta. ShSPI, 2013, no. 3(19). Available at: (Date of access: 08.10.2017).
  3. Lukyanova M.I. Formirovanie akmeologicheskoy pozitsii lichnosti kak uslovie professionalno-lichnostnogo stanovleniya buduschego spetsialista [Formation of individual acmeological position as a condition for future specialist’s professional personality development]. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya, 2014, no. 5. Available at: (Date of access: 08.10.2017).
  4. Maksimova V.N., Poletaeva N.M. Akmeologiya poslediplomnogo obrazovaniya pedagoga [Acmeology of teacher’s postgraduate education]. St. Petersburg: Institute for Adult Education RAE publ., 2004, 227 p.
  5. Petunin O.V. Formirovanie professionalnogo masterstva uchitelya fizkultury [Formation of professional skills of physical education teacher]. Moscow: Prosveshchenie publ., 1980, 112 p.
  6. Poletaeva N.M. Valeologicheskoe vospitanie shkolnikov: teoriya i praktika [Valeological education of schoolchildren: theory and practice]. Obrazovanie i obshchestvo, 2002, no. 4, pp. 76-81.

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The study considers the acmeological stand shaping service to the physical education specialists in the advanced education system. A special analysis was made to define the acmeological stand of a physical education specialist as the competency of the latter for self-definition in whatever educational process situation for success in the education, personality building and social domains. The study highlights the special role of trainer and educational process management for the quality of the acmeological stand shaping service to the physical education specialists. The Advanced Education Department of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University n.a. I.N. Ulyanov was taken for the case study to test benefits of the acmeological stand shaping service to the physical education specialists in the individualized skills-advancement training course. The study gives cases of the specific advanced professional education programs designed on a modular basis and outlines their structure including the general theoretical and practical training modules. Subject to special consideration are the necessary provisions for success of such education programs as follows: special emphasis on the practical trainings including those in the academic sport facilities; hands-on experience in the practical innovative education technologies applied by the regional system; remote education technologies; and dialogues-based individualized education formats. Such educational programs were found beneficial for development of cognitive, practical, communication and process management components of the professional-competency-building process on the whole and the acmeological stand shaping service to the physical education specialists in particular.