Competition issues in organizing unauthorized types of traditional Japanese martial arts



PhD, Associate Professor M.G. Smirnov1
I.K. Toshchenko2
N.Yu. Smirnova1
PhD, Associate Professor Т.V. Kalashnikova2
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.A. Zeremskaya2
1Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk
2National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk

The article is devoted to topical issues related to modern development of Japanese martial arts in Russia and other countries. Subject to a special consideration in the study is the competitive process design and management in the traditional ‘non-competitive’ Japanese martial arts with the latter being analyzed in a wider context of the global non-competitive sports. A sample of the traditional ‘non-competitive’ Japanese martial arts was applied in the study to explore the problems of their competitive process design and management in the Russian conditions. The study data and analysis highlight the set of contradictions and key problems for the competitions in the traditional ‘non-competitive’ Japanese martial arts and offer potential solutions to the problems.

Keywords: Japanese martial arts, spiritual and practical aspects in organizing competitions, competitive sports, non-competitive sports, kyudo, aikido.

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