Differential sport psychology



PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Kuzmin1
M.N. Larionova2
M.V. Murasheva2
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg

The study analyzes the existing psychological service system in the national sports and discusses the development prospects of the modern sport psychology on the whole. A growing priority in the initiatives to advance the existing physical, technical and tactical training systems is given to the psychological service system improvement issues on the whole and the special mental conditioning issues in particular. Objective of the study was to provide a methodological basis for the differentiated mental conditioning model applicable in many sport disciplines.
Projects to develop a differentiated mental conditioning and adaptation model applicable in athletic training systems are ranked among the top priorities in modern sport psychology. Sport science has long been in need of a differentiation sport psychology as the new field for the studies of mental progress logics in specific groups of athletes and sport disciplines. The key mission of the differential sport psychology is to explore the existing and offer new ways to speed up the individual competitive adaptation process in different sport disciplines.

Keywords: differential sport psychology, mental adaptation, mental conditioning, cyclic sports, team sports, artistic sports, martial arts, competitive conditions.

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