Methodical principles of anti-doping training in youth sports




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2018, pp.94-96

Dr.Hab. A.G. Gretsov1
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Vorobyev1
1Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg

The study was designed to formulate the methodological basics that may be applied to design an anti-doping education course for junior athletes geared to cultivate zero tolerance to doping in their values and motivations. Doping shall be interpreted as a gross violation of the fair play principles of the modern sports by the deliberate and motivated actions resulting in predictable harm, with the relevant problems being discussed within the frame of the general personality values. Doping may be associated with the other asocial behavioral models and actions, with a special emphasis made on its long-term implications. The line of arguments in the educational concept of such course shall be designed with account of the personality ethics development stages as provided by L. Kolberg’s theory, with the course being duly customized to the target audiences i.e. their age structure, sporting experience, sport mastery levels and expected professional careers in sports being. The education material shall be delivered on a problem-specific basis with application of the relevant socio-psychological education basics and elements. Based on the above provisions, we have designed and implemented a set of 8 anti-doping education programs supported by the relevant methodological guidelines – including the doping zero tolerance formation technology, process design recommendations, graphical teaching aids, and the ‘Tales about sports’ for children. 

Keywords: anti-doping education, junior athletes.


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