Management competency building in future Physical Education specialists




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2018, pp.30-32

Dr.Hab., Professor S.B. Seryakova1
Postgraduate G.V. Nikitovskaya1, 2
1Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow
2Taras Shevchenko Transnistria State University, Tiraspol

The ongoing education system reforms give a growing priority to professional competency of Physical Education teachers with a special emphasis on the education team management abilities and skills to cultivate due health values and secure high physical fitness standards. Objective of the study was to rate the management competency of the future Physical Education teachers in a real academic education process. Teacher’s management competency is interpreted in the relevant research literature as the complex individual mental structure that integrates (with due priority to the teacher's vocational self-identification and determination) the abilities and skills in: goal-setting; selection of tools for the mission; independent decision-making; students’ learning process management; and reflections to rate own and students’ progress and success. The study was completed at Taras Shevchenko Transnistria State University, with the graduate-course students of the Physical Education and Sports Department sampled for the study. The empirical data were classified using four criteria and three ranks. The management competency of the future Physical Education teachers was rated using the motivations-and-values, cognitive, operational and reflective abilities rating criteria. The study data and analysis showed benefits of the projects to build the relevant management competency in future Physical Education teachers in the academic educational process.

Keywords: future Physical Education teacher, management competency, management competency rating criteria.


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