Networking driven by socially centered physical education and sports service as new socializing model for convicts



Dr.Hab., Associate Professor L.I. Kostyunina1
PhD A.N. Ilkin1
Postgraduate Y.M. Postnov1
1Ulyanovsk state pedagogical university named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk

New detention standards require the convicts being offered systemic re-socializing services based on an effective cooperation of the penal institution with the relevant civil organisations, social and education service agencies and education establishments. The article considers benefits of the new re-socializing service model based on a networking cooperation of the penal institution with the relevant pedagogical university. The model piloting education process experiment confirmed benefits of the well-organised, socially centred cooperative physical education and sports service projects to engage the convicts, students, volunteers, educators and leading university researchers; with the projects being designed to expand and improve the cooperation of the penal institutions with the relevant education establishments for success of the socially sensitive corrective initiatives.

Keywords: re-socialising, physical education and sports service, project activity, convicts, students, networking project.


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