Physical education and academic sports in new socio-economic national situation: modern vision and growth points



Dr.Hab., Professor L.B. Andryushchenko1
Dr.Hab., Professor S.I. Filimonova1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Presently the national physical culture and sports sector is in need of new landmarks for the progress in view of the growing information flows, new breakthrough technologies and the increasing priority to the humanitarian aspects in the sector processes. We would highlight the following growth points in the national physical culture and sports sector classified by the relevant domains. In the political domain: the public and private service management quality in the sector shall be improved with a special emphasis on the interdepartmental cooperation efficiency improvements i.e. in the system of national government agencies, local government bodies and their reporting offices. In the legal domain: the legal and regulatory framework for the sector progress need to be improved on a permanent, relevant and proactive basis, with the valid regulatory provisions being revised and new provisions offered to effectively control the progress of the relevant vocational and higher education establishments. In the economic domain: the university sports financing mechanisms shall be improved with the financial performance improvements i.e. improved cost efficiency of the existing budgetary (federal, regional and municipal) sources of finance; public-private partnerships (PPP) shall be promoted in the sector; and the university sport financing shall be increased for account of the off-budgetary sources. In the education domain: the theoretical and practical provisions for the university sports shall be improved; physical culture in the academic system shall be given a higher priority; inclusive education technologies shall be implemented on a growing scale; and the students’ socializing mechanisms shall be advanced.

Keywords: physical culture, university sports, education, key trends, theoretical and practical provisions, health rating medical technologies.


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