Physical Education concepts in context of human resource development theory



Dr.Hab., Professor G.N. Germanov1
Dr.Sc.Soc. A.E. Stradze1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor I.A. Sabirova2
1Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow
2Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture, Voronezh

With the process of practical research knowledgebase being expanded, the research community tends to forget the primary basics of the theories used to channel the integrated knowledge accumulation process so as to consolidate the general theory of physical culture. For the purposes of the study we consider the research knowledgebase for the physical education theory and practice. As things now stand, its theoretical sources are mixed up with other sector disciplines and include, for instance, athletic training concepts (as provided by L.P. Matveyev, the concepts of integration, workload variation logics, cyclic structure, age-specific training process design and management etc.). The modern theoretical and practical ideas for further progress of the physical education theory are not only generated by the classical general pedagogy but also benefit from the modern knowledgebase accumulated by the relevant philosophical, sociological, educational and psychological research disciplines that tend to consider the human development and culturing process in the context of interdisciplinary knowledge system and based on the general research concepts laying a gnoseological basis for this theory. One of these concepts is the human resource development concept (that addresses the physical cultural issues among other things). Objective of the study was to outline the human physical education and perfection resource development logics supported by the relevant interdisciplinary knowledge in the context of the motor skills advancement agenda.

Keywords: physical education, motor abilities, physical qualities, physical education process concepts, motor activity, interdisciplinary approach.


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