Physical education and sport service process management mode




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2018, pp.31-33

R.M. Olkhovskiy1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Solntsev1
N.A. Osokin2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow
2Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The study considers promises and potential benefits of the physical education and sport service process management model with a special emphasis on its advantages versus other popular management models (project, discretional etc.); and identifies the key specifics of the model that make it particularly beneficial for the public service sector. The key benefits of the model may be listed as follows: it bridges the gaps in the interdepartmental management system; secures the valid standards and requirements being strictly observed; and scales down the bureaucratic inefficiencies in the process. It should also be mentioned that a process may have two meanings: as the physical culture and sport service standard and the service pricing standard, provided a clear process hierarchy is established with each operation spelled out and supported by the necessary resource. Each process schematics shall be available – as demonstrated by the participants’ registration and test scheduling process in the Russian Physical Culture and Sports ‘Ready for Labour and Defence’ (GTO) Complex. The authors also offer the key arguments for the physical education and sport service process management model being widely adopted and implemented, and the main reservations and barriers for such projects.

Keywords: process management model, public services, physical education and sport service, BPMN, business process management, administrative regulations


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