Actions to improve modern advanced education curricula for special children's and youth Olympic reserve schools in figure skating discipline



L.V. Kuznetsova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Zhgun1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow

Objective of the study was to improve the Theoretical Training Module of the modern advanced education curricula for Children’s and Youth Sport Schools (CYSS) and special Children’s and Youth Olympic Reserve Sport Schools (CYORSS) in figure skating discipline. The study included an initiative to develop a multimedia database and video lectures on the national history of figure skating with systemic historical accounts of the Russian and Soviet figure skaters’ competitive accomplishments in the Olympic Games since 1908 and World Figure Skating Championships of 1990 through 2016; with a special emphasis on the history of figure skating sub-disciplines; sport elements and rules; evolution of the coordination difficulty levels of the jumping elements in figure skating; and the success stories of the leading national competitors.

Keywords: history, figure skating, theoretical training, multimedia database and video lectures, education programs, advanced education.


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