Environment-centered method to design recreation-and-health environment in education establishment




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2017, pp.99-101

PhD Y.E. Gudkov1
PhD N.V. Mazitova1
PhD O.V. Gorbunova1
PhD T.V Stebliy1
1Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok

The article opens up a cycle of studies to address the growing need of the educational theory and practice for an all-round systemic analysis of interrelations of the human body with environments in the modern increasingly complicated and intensive lifestyles, with the growing need for a proactive and efficient adaptation of new generations to the fast growing workloads of the modern civilizations. In view of the high difficulty and polyphony of the subject matter, an objective of the study was to develop a methodological platform based on the environment-centred approach to model, in an all-round and multisided manner, the theoretical and empirical elements of the recreation-and-health environment in an education establishment.

Keywords: environment-centred approach, deadaptive behaviour, recreation and health environment, students.


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